Thank you for sharing all these interesting facts! As somebody who grew up in Germany I love potatoes and am grateful that a few of the 4,000 varieties made their way to Europe. It looks like the peoples of the Andes are in touch with Pacha Mama; something we Westerners have to relearn.

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I am blown away in both mind & appetite! This is the fabulously grown up version of the "Waffles and Mochi" bit on Peruvian potatoes, and that is a compliment! (https://videosforkids.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/waffles-mochi-potato-full-episode-netflix-jr-0CXnP0YSf7c.jpg)

- cheers

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What a fascinating papa history! I definitely want to try a couple of these out. I remember doing a translation class at uni and was baffled by all the different ways to say “corn” in Spanish-speaking and Indigenous regions around the world. At least everyone knows a papa is a patata is a potato! 😅

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Never, ever have I read such an dazzlingly exhaustive accounting of the lowly potato on this earth! Nice work . . . .

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